Ask Aunt Lori - Death

There are two things every person, regardless of race, wealth, gender, or anything else will do: be born and die. The latter of the two creates a wide variety of emotions and reactions. Sometimes it's tragic and unexpected but sometimes it's just someone's time.

Though I'm only twenty-eight, I know death quite well - and in many ways. I know it from the peaceful transition to the Great Beyond for family, the heart-crushing blow of a good friend gone too soon and have flirted with it more than I imagined I would have at this point in life. Loss is generally painful, it's the most human things we ever do.

“What is grief, if not love persevering?”

- Vision from “WandaVision”

We fear death, but death is not the enemy. That's not to say that we should stop trying to survive, but we should also grow to accept its place in the world.

Loss teaches us the value of everything, but the hard way. Death is not an enemy, death is a teacher. When we have lost or know that we may lose something, we truly understand its value.

Let's learn to appreciate everything before it's gone.

Aunt Lori

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Chronic SOS - October 31, 2023


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